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Le Monde de Verlaine a deux objectifs : permettre aux élèves de s'exprimer sur l'actualité (au sens très large) et les éduquer aux médias.

Ainsi, tous les lundis, en salle 5, de 13h à 13h50, sous la direction de M. Aupée, les élèves volontaires pourront venir écrire sur un sujet d'actualité de leur choix (international, national, régional, Évrecy, collège). Ils pourront aussi écrire un article "coup de cœur" ou participer à la Web-TV, La Télé de Paul.

En outre, les enseignants du collège et des écoles du secteur pourront également proposer à la publication des travaux d'élèves réalisés en classe afin de les mettre en valeur.

vendredi 3 février 2017

The U.S. education system

The U.S. education system is composed of different stages: day-care, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school. 

At kindergarten,you are from the age of 5 to the age of 6 and kindergarten is not mandatory actually the law varies from state to state. At primary school, you are from the age of 7 to the age of 12 and you are from 1st grade to 6th grade. At middle school, you are from the age of 13 to the age of 14 and you are 7th grade and 8th grade. At high school, you are from the age of 15 to the age of 18 and you are from 9th grade to the 12th grade. In 9th grade, you are a Freshman. In 10th grade, you are a Sophomore. In 11th grade, you are a Junior. In 12th grade, you are a Senior. At the age of 16, teenagers can drive a car. The U.S education system varies from state to state actually from the law kindergarten is compulsory in some states and it is not in others and the grades are organized differently from state to state. 

Source : http://www.expression-anglaise.com/systemes-scolaires-francais-anglais-et-americain-comparatif/

In America, people say the Pledge of Allegiance everyday at the begining of the school day. When they say the Pledge of Allegiance, people stand up, put their hands on their hearts and they look at the american flag. People say the Pledge of Allegiance to honor and to be loyal to the country because it is important. After the Pledge of Allegiance, people have a moment of silence to pray and to respect the victims of war (the people who died for the country).


Aurèle Lamboley, 4e3

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