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Le Monde de Verlaine a deux objectifs : permettre aux élèves de s'exprimer sur l'actualité (au sens très large) et les éduquer aux médias.

Ainsi, tous les lundis, en salle 5, de 13h à 13h50, sous la direction de M. Aupée, les élèves volontaires pourront venir écrire sur un sujet d'actualité de leur choix (international, national, régional, Évrecy, collège). Ils pourront aussi écrire un article "coup de cœur" ou participer à la Web-TV, La Télé de Paul.

En outre, les enseignants du collège et des écoles du secteur pourront également proposer à la publication des travaux d'élèves réalisés en classe afin de les mettre en valeur.

mardi 17 mai 2022

Openings of Twisted Fairy Tales (Débuts de contes inversés)

En anglais, les 5e3 du collège ont travaillé sur le folklore et les stéréotypes dans les contes de fées. Dès son origine, les contes connaissent plusieurs variantes. La société américaine de production et d’animation Walt Disney ne fait donc pas exception en s’inspirant des contes de fées européens et en créant leur variante américaine. Les élèves ont vu que des stéréotypes de genre avaient été gardés dans les variantes de Walt Disney. De nos jours, on tend à déconstruire ces stéréotypes en jouant avec eux. Le film d’animation Shrek de Dreamwork en est la parfaite incarnation. Ces élèves de 5e ont donc contribué à cette tendance en créant à leur tour un début de conte inversé. LMV vous présente quelques-unes de ces productions.

A Princess who wanted to become a knight by Soizic

Once upon a time there was a princess who was the most beautiful girl in the knigdom, but this princess was terribly bored in the castle. She wanted to become a knight, It was her biggest dream since she was little, Unfortunately she could not become a knight.

A king, her dad, imprisoned the princess in the castle because he did not agree with the princess about becoming a knight !

The princess, the evil queen and Olaf by Marylou

Once upon a time there was an ugly princess. She had short hair and a big nose. But she was the most intelligent. Her name was Beauty. She lived in a little city. One day, the evil queen came to her house. The villain was the prettiest. She had long hair and blue eyes.

Beauty was now stuck in the ocean.She sang in order to call the boats to save her. Olaf was in his boat and he listened to the princess. He decided to save the princess but it was not easy because the evil queen was the cruelest.

The princess and the stepmother by Louane

Once upon a time there was a horrible princess who wanted to marry a beautiful prince. But the problem was that Shadow (the princess) was ugly. Her stepmother was the most beautiful in the whole kingdom, so Shadow asked her stepmother for help.

But the stepmother wanted her to stay ugly and alone for the rest of her life, because she did not want Shadow to exceed her beauty.

Prince Charles, Crally and Kaly by Ozane

Once upon a time there was a very beautiful prince. But Prince Charles was locked in his kingdom. Charles was locked because he did not respect the villain Crally. Crally was the most cruel and horrible with her long and white hair. She imprisoned the prince because he transformed her sister into a horse. The prince transformed her sister because she was the vainest. Indeed Crally’s sister was jealous of Prince Charles’s sister.

One beautiful day, the princess Kaly saved Prince Charles because she fell in love with him. Kaly was the strongest of all, but she was not very beautiful.

The prince, the princess and the dragon by Stephan

Once upon a time, in a big castle, there were a prince, a dragon and a princess. The princess was the ugliest and the worst of all. In the castle, the princess imprisoned the prince because he was the most beautiful.

One day, the princess looked at the dragon. The dragon was the ugliest of all, but she fell in love with him. 

The princess, the knight and the witch by Léonie

Once upon a time, a princess had a big nose, so she was the ugliest of all. The princess also had a big and horrible snake. She lived in a little castle. One day, she fell in love with a knight. But the knight did not love her.

The knight was imprisoned by a witch in a castle. The witch was the evilest but also the prettiest. So, the princess was jealous of her. One night, the princess came to the lovely castle of the witch and she fought against the witch in order to save her rich knight. 

Arold, Sonia and Claudine by Timéo

Once upon a time there was an ugly man named Arold. He fell in love with the richest and the most beautiful princess of the kingdom : Sonia. She had a very big castle. But she was cruel. She had cast a spell on Arold. That’s why he was ugly.

The solution of the enchantment was a love’s first kiss. But he did not know any of that. Fortunately Arold was accompanied by his friend, a fairy named Claudine.

To be continued… 

The poorest man, the cruellest princess and the best woman by Juline

Once upon a time the poorest man (but he was lovely) was imprisoned by the cruellest princess. She made a rope for a unicorn so that no one could save the poor man and it worked !

One fine day, one woman had decided to save the poorest man. She was black, the most intelligent and the strongest of all. But she was not very beautiful. 

Félicitations aux 5e pour leur esprit d’analyse et leur créativité !

Mme Caignard

1 commentaire:

  1. It is a very interesting topic ! Unfortunately, nowadays we still have to fight against stereotypes. Hopefully, you have great ideas for a better world !!


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