Infos et Conseils utiles de LMV

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

New school year n°2 (5e5)

Good afternoon everybody.
Today the year 8.5 interviewed their classmates about their new school year.

Florine : Do you have any friends in your class ?
Julie : Yes, I have friends in my class : Raphaëlle, Mélina, Coline, Emma, Cécilia, Florine, Amélie, Marie, Aurore and Salomé.

Cécilia : Do you like your new class ? Why ?
Emma : Yes, I like my new class, because I am with my friends.

Julie : Who is your best friend in the class ?
Florine : My best friend is not in my class.

Lucas : What is your favourite subject ? Why ?
Swann : My favourite subject is Maths, because it's cool.

Salomé : What is your worst subject ? Why ?
Aurore : My worst subject is Biology, because the teacher is boring.

Aurèle : Which subjects do you have on Thursdays ?
Baptiste : I have Technology, English, Music, Geography, French and Maths.

Lilian : Do you like Biology ?
Valentin : Yes, I like Biology, because it is easy.

Swann : Which subject do you think is the most difficult ?
Lucas : I think Geography is the most difficult subject.

Baptiste : Do you like Maths ? Why ?
Aurèle : Yes, I like Maths, because I love numbers.

Marie : What time do you start school in general ?
Florine : In general I start school at 8.25am.

Coline : How often do you have French in a week ?
Amélie : I have French 4 times in a week.

Simon : What time do you have lunch ?
Salomé : I have lunch at 11.45am or 12.30pm.

Kilian : Do you like your timetable ? Why or why not ?
Kelian : Yes, I like my timetable, because I finish at 3.00pm on Fridays.

Amélie : What time do you have French on Mondays ?
Coline : I have French at 9.25am on Mondays.

Aurore : What is your favourite day ?
Salomé : My favourite day is Friday, because I finish school at 2.45pm.

Louis : Which activities do you do at break time ?
Yoan : I always chat with my friends and we have a lot of fun.

Mélina : How many breaks do you have in a day ?
Kilian : I have 3 breaks in a day.

Tom : What time do you have breaks ?
Corentin : I have one at 10.20am, one at lunch time and one at 2.45pm.

Yoan : What is your worst day ? Why ?
Louis : My worst day is Thursdays, because I have 6 periods.

Gabriel : What time do you finish school in general ?
Alexis : In general I finish school at 4.55pm.

Thibaut : Do you like your teachers ? Why or why not ?
Louis : Yes, I like my teachers, because in general they are cool and interesting.

Valentin : Who is your favourite teacher ? Why ?
Lilian : My favourite teacher is Mr Lechevallier, because his lessons are interesting.

Raphaëlle : Who is your worst teacher ? Why ?
Coline : My worst teacher is Mr Jourdan, because he is very strict.

Emma : Are there any new rules this year ?
Julie : Yes, there is one : we mustn't use our mobile phones at school.

Corentin : Which rule do you think is the strictest ? Why ?
Tom : We mustn't speak French in English lessons.


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