Infos et Conseils utiles de LMV

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

New school year (5e4)

Wednesday, November 25th.

Hello everybody.
This morning, the year 8.4 interviewed their classmates about their new school year.

Deslys : Do you like your class ? Why or why not ?
Anaëlle : Yes, I like my class, because the pupils are funny.

Anaëlle : How many pupils are there in your class ?
Deslys : We are 28 pupils in my class : 16 girls and 12 boys.

Perrine : Do you have any friends in your class ?
Emma : Yes, I have 9 friends in the class : Annais, Juliette, Charlotte, Perrine, Inès, Raphaëlle, Anaëlle, Anouck and Imane.

Nathan 1 :Do you like French ? Why or why not ?
Anthony : No, I don't like French, but Mrs Deroin is cool.

Anthony : How often do you have your favourite subject ?
Nathan 1 : I have my favourite subject four times in a week.

Annais : Do you like English ? Why or why not ?
Charlotte : Yes, I like English, because it's cool.

Adélaïde : What is your worst subject ?
Imane : My worst subject is History, because it's difficult.

Emma : What is your favourite subject ?
Perrine : My favourite subject is Maths, because it's interesting.

Nathan 2 : What time do you start school in general ?
Amandine : I start school at 8.25 am in general.

Adrien : Which activities do you do at break time ?
Julien : I always chat with my friends, I often fight for fun and I usually sit on a bench.

Antoine 1 : Do you use the toilet at break time ?
Lucas 1 : No, I rarely use the toilet at break time.

Lucas 2 : Do you like your timetable ? Why or why not ?
Tom : Yes, I like my timetable, because we never finish at 4.55pm.

Lucas 1 : Do you eat snacks at break time ?
Antoine 1 :No, I never eat snacks at break time, because I am never hungry.

Maxime : How many breaks do you have in a day ?
Enzo : I usually have 3 breaks in a day.

Amandine : How often do you have English in a week ?
Nathan 2 : I have English three times in a week.

Antoine 2 : Do you do your homework at break time ?
Tom : No, I never do my homework at break time. I always do it at home.

Ilona : How many lessons do you have in a day ?
Lou-Anne : In general I have 6 lessons in a day.

Tom : What time do you finish school in general ?
Lucas 2 : I finish school at 4.00pm in general.

Anouck : How many teachers do you have this year ?
Juliette : This year I have 9 teachers.

Lou-Anne : Who is your favourite teacher ? Why ?
Ilona : My favourite teacher is Mr Louis, because he is nice and cool.

Charlotte : Can you fight ?
Annais : No, we can't, because it hurts.

Julien : Do you think the rules are strict ? Why or why not ?
Adrien : I think the rules are quite strict, because we mustn't use our mobile phones and we can't the school if a teacher is absent and we didn't know it the day before.

Imane : Do you always respect the rules in class ?
Adélaïde : Yes, I always respect the rules in class, because I think it is important.

Juliette : Are there any new rules this year ?
Anouck : Yes, there is one : we mustn't use our mobile phones at school.


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