Infos et Conseils utiles de LMV

vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Donald Trump, the new president (n°2)

Because it was such important news in the USA and around the world, I decided to work on the American election. With my class (3rd5) we wanted to know more about the candidates. We're publishing in English what we learned about the winner of this election, Donald Trump. Mrs Coursil

Group 2

The new president, Donald Trump takes office on inauguration day on 20 th january. 

Image of Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign with flag of America behind.
Who is Donald Trump ?
Donald Trump was born in 1946 in Queens in New York city. His wife is Melania Trump, she was born in 1976 in Slovenia, in the United States of America. He was married twice before his marriage with Melania Knauss. He have five children and eight grandchildren. 

He is a billionaire real estate business man. He started in the family estate business and his compagny called Trump Organization. In 1983 he built the Trump Tower, the tower have 58 floors and he meater 664 feets. She is located in New York City. 

In 2004 he began starring in the Hit NBC, reality series «The Apprentice» and he started in politics in 2015. He is the new president of the United States of America. 

What is his programme ?
Donald Trump want to expel all muslim and mexican immigrants.
He accuses the Mexican government of sending people with many problems. He want to expel three millions clandestine immigrants. 

He want build a wall in the Mexican border.He want the Mexican buy te wall, for do the term of immigration. The wall cost 8 millions of dollars.
Donald Trump is against abortion, he wants to ban abortion.
Donald Trump want no control of guns but all the people can do or have accident. Every year around 10 000 be killed by guns in U.S.A.

His personnality
The personality of new president of the U.S.A:
For many people he is misogynist because he addressed women by saying " it is necessary to handle them as shit”.
He said about the other candidate:“If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she satisfy America.”
He also appeared racist. On Mexican imigrants he said “They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.» “
He is also very rude.

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